Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster

Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster

Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster
34 pages

Available in: paperback
pb: 978 – 0‑1520 – 6053‑4

International Reading Association:
    Children’s Choice Award &
    Teacher’s Choice Award
Oprah’s Summer Reading List Selection

What is a Vocabulary Parade?

“Oh, no, you mean miscellaneous is NOT a person?”

Anyone who has ever been daunteddiscouraged or disheartened, by a mere word in the dictionary will cheer wildlyin a manner lacking all restraint, as Sage transforms embarrassment into victory in Debra Frasier’s touching story of loving — and mistaking — our glorious language. This book inspired the Vocabulary Parade worldwide movement!

Hover over images for title. Click images for larger view.
Debra Bouquet

Vocabulary Parade Teacher In-Service

NEW! Give me up to 40 minutes with your faculty and you’ll have dozens of real-life, school-tested ways to host a successful Vocabulary Parade. From low to high engagement, transform your school’s vocabulary culture with joy and creativity!

Up to 40 minutes on Zoom, includes one signed book, 30-page hardcopy Vocabulary Parade Kit (with reproducibles), $125. Contact Debra.

A Look Inside

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Book Cover Slide - Miss Alaineus
Sage Spelling Slide — Miss Alaineus
Book Cover Slide — Miss Alaineus
Astonishment Slide — Miss Alaineus
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Costume: Cuckoo Clock

Host a Vocabulary Parade!

Download the free 30-page Parade Kit PDF.
Find all the tips for hosting a memorable
Vocabulary Parade in your school.

Vocabulary Parade costume examples.

Debra reads Miss Alaineus

What is a Vocabulary Parade?

Simple Online Illustration Class (free!)

STRIPES! sample art
Sample art from the STRIPES! class


Short Answers to Big Questions about Picture Books

Use these short videos to introduce concepts of editing, illustrating, and gathering inspiration to make a picture book. Great support for Author Studies and Publishing units!

The Idea (1:55)
Writing (1:28)
Editing (1:22)
Imagining (2:21)
Illustrating (3:03)
Voice (1:06)

A School Vocabulary Parade in Action

Video by MindtheMind (4:25)

Debra’s Books