Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster

Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster
34 pages
Available in: paperback
pb: 978 – 0‑1520 – 6053‑4
International Reading Association:
Children’s Choice Award &
Teacher’s Choice Award
Oprah’s Summer Reading List Selection
What is a Vocabulary Parade?
“Oh, no, you mean miscellaneous is NOT a person?”
Anyone who has ever been daunted: discouraged or disheartened, by a mere word in the dictionary will cheer wildly: in a manner lacking all restraint, as Sage transforms embarrassment into victory in Debra Frasier’s touching story of loving — and mistaking — our glorious language. This book inspired the Vocabulary Parade worldwide movement!

Vocabulary Parade Teacher In-Service
NEW! Give me up to 40 minutes with your faculty and you’ll have dozens of real-life, school-tested ways to host a successful Vocabulary Parade. From low to high engagement, transform your school’s vocabulary culture with joy and creativity!
Up to 40 minutes on Zoom, includes one signed book, 30-page hardcopy Vocabulary Parade Kit (with reproducibles), $125. Contact Debra.
A Look Inside


Host a Vocabulary Parade!
Download the free 30-page Parade Kit PDF.
Find all the tips for hosting a memorable
Vocabulary Parade in your school.
Vocabulary Parade costume examples.
Debra reads Miss Alaineus
What is a Vocabulary Parade?
Simple Online Illustration Class (free!)
Short Answers to Big Questions about Picture Books
Use these short videos to introduce concepts of editing, illustrating, and gathering inspiration to make a picture book. Great support for Author Studies and Publishing units!